Thursday, September 15, 2011

Off I Go

I never thought that I would have a blog. But here I am, writing my first post. In 6 hours I will be taking off for Kenya. I first fly 7 hours to Amsterdam, where I have a 3 hour layover, then I fly another 8 hours to Kenya. A lot of people have asked me if I'm excited for my trip, and I answer very hesitantly, starting with I'm incredibly nervous. While I am very excited to have this opportunity, a lot of what I am doing is unlike anything I have ever done in my life. First of all, it is the first time I have ever flown alone. But that should be fine as long as I make it there in one piece and get through customs successfully. I have lived a relatively structured life, where everything is a routine, and that is how I like it. In Kenya I know this will not be the case and I'm sure it will be a great thing for me in the end, but I'm very nervous to see how it works out. I like the fact that I won't have a rigid plan to be following, and a lot of what I do will be my choice. Saying goodbye to family and friends has been one of the hardest things for me, but knowing that everyone will be just a skype call away is very reassuring. My bags are packed (almost) and I am ready to go. Hopefully once I'm in Kenya I'll have more interesting things to write about, but until then kwa heri! (goodbye in Swahili)

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