Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So I have officially left Kenya, and I do not like it one bit. Our flight left at 11:30 last night, and everything was going smoothly at first. I managed to sleep for almost 7 out of the 8 hour flight which was super! But, as we got closer, we were informed that we were being rerouted from Paris to Amsterdam because of bad weather. After arriving in Amsterdam at 6:30, they kept us on the plane until 9 when we were finally let free. To make a long story short, we did get another flight to Paris, but it doesn't leave for another two hours so here I am writing my last blog post.
First of all, I was in a rush when I was writing my last blog post so I forgot to add this. All of you new englanders look at the picture of me and my African family, and try to find the logo for the team we all know and love on someone's shirt. During my time in Kenya I saw a Boston sweatshirt, a Boston hat, a red sox jersey, and this last logo. Such a small world we live in.
Second, here are some pictures from the safari! Because we were in the Massai Mara during the off season there weren't a lot of other tour vans which was really nice. In Kenya they have a group of animals called "The Big Five", which includes the African buffalo, lions, cheetahs, leopards and rhinos. We were lucky enough to see all of them except the rhino.
Two cheetahs killed a wildebeast, which unfortunately we missed but we got to watch them eat it! The wildebeest's stomach started to fill with air which is the big balloon looking part of it
Bijschrift toevoegen

One shy lion
At first this leopard was up in a tree sleeping which was exciting and all, but then a mama warthog and 4 babies trotted by, and Mr. Leopard decided he had found lunch, so he scurried down the tree and hurried after them to snatch up one of the babies. We didn't get to see the kill, but we heard a screech that we assumed was one of the poor little babies getting caught.
Poor guys :(
Me, Liz and our excellent guide Dennis at the Tanzania Kenya border
I just started making a list of everything that I'm going to miss in Kenya, but it got way too long so I figured I'll just post the list of things I will NOT miss.

1) My bicycle
2) The flies
As you can see, there isn't much.

Finally I want to give a big thank you to Deb and Greg for putting up with me for two whole months. We really had a great time together and I will miss you both dearly!

To all of you poor souls who have been reading this thing for two months, I want to thank you for all of the support and encouragement that has kept me going. According to the stats page which I'm not quite sure I believe, my blog has been viewed 1,829 times. Dad and Grandma I'm pretty sure about half of those are from you, but still that is just crazy. I'm glad I could entertain all of you but unfortunately my life will be pretty normal from now on so I won't have anything to write about. But if I come to Kenya again I'll be sure to write!

Lots of love,

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