Saturday, November 5, 2011


Yesterday was the harambee, which turned out to be a really fun event. A harambee is a type of fundraiser here, where people bring money and present it publicly. It was supposed to go from 10 am to 1 pm, but of course, it ended around 5 instead.
The picture above was the set up for the harambee. There was one tent for the students and their parents, and another one for all of the important guests. Deb, liz and I were under the important guests tent, but I didn't stay for very long. I had much more fun hanging out and talking with the students instead of sitting with the important people. Once I escaped and then they started talking about me so I had to race back up (whoops.)
The choir performing a traditional song and dance
In this picture, the deputy mayor is dancing with one of the students. The mayor of the whole town of Naivasha was there as the guest of honor. He was a really sweet man, and he's the youngest mayor in all of east central africa!
So. This was one of the best parts of the day. Deb was giving a speech to everyone, and she called me up to give me a gift. I was given a St. Andrews school uniform including the sweater, the shirt, the tie, the skirt, and the socks.
Everyone there absolutely loved it, and of course the students wanted me to put it on right away, so I did.
NOW can you find me? :)
I wore it the whole afternoon, despite the dreadful heat in that sweater. I asked the students how on earth they deal with it, and they just said they got used to it. I'm pretty sure I made all of the students and teacher's day and of course, they all wanted to get a picture with their new student.
The next gift I got was just as exciting for me. Madame Mwangi has these two fleece shawl/ scarfs that she would let me wear when it was cold, or after I arrived on a rainy day. As a graduation gift from swahili, she made me one!
Madame Mwangi, Me, and her daughter Lillys.
The last picture is a photo of all of the important people who were at the harambee.
Front and center with the gigantic badge is the mayor
That's all for pictures, so now I'll tell you about the actual success of the harambee. Peter's goal was 5 million shillings, which is about $50,000. Unfortunately the turn out of the event wasn't nearly as high as he expected, and only 2 million shillings was raised. That is almost enough money to build either two classrooms, or a science lab. The problem is he needs both for the upcoming school year, starting in January. There are two form 1 classes coming in, and there isn't any space to put them. Also, the form 4 students need to complete a science lab course, and if they don't they can't graduate. Hopefully Peter will be able to find a way to build both of these. If there is anyone who did not contribute already, and wants to donate, please let me know! St. Andrews could really use help. BUT, for those who did contribute, I was able to donate 64,000 shillings, which is equal to $680. I was given a big round of applause, and I could not have done it without you. 
This week we are doing all sorts of outdoors adventure activities, like a hippo boat ride, and a picnic lunch among giraffes, zebras, etc. Next saturday I am going to Kasarani to visit all sorts of people, including James the motorcycle driver, Madame Mwangi, and several students. Sunday we leave for our safari, so unfortunately that will be the end of my blog! 
Ps. Don't forget to turn back your clocks! It's such a strange concept not doing that here. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Molly!
    I assume you are on your safari now - I wish i was with you! Sounds like you've been doing great work.
    See you in a couple weeks with Dr Liz!
    -guess who
