Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Miracles do happen

So. After a rough start to the morning, a miracle happened. Let me begin with the morning. When I left on my bike, it was pretty cold and it looked cloudy, but I figured a simple fleece in my bag would be plenty. As I got onto my motorcycle it started to sprinkle a little, but I thought nothing of it. About 5 minutes into the ride it started DOWN POURING. In about 3 minutes I was literally soaked. There was not a single dry area on me, and my clothes had started dripping with water. I tried to huddle behind James to protect myself from the lovely rain, but that was kind of a fail. By the time I had arrived at school I was so miserably cold so I sprinted into the teachers room. I changed into my skirt and just my fleece hoping I would warm up a little, without much luck. Ok so to sum it up, I was very cold. After my first class I came back to the teachers room and guess. what. Madame Mwangi had my watch!!!!!

I gave her a HEEEEEUGE hug and thanked her profusely. I seriously never thought I would ever see that watch again, now it doesn't even matter that Superman isn't working! I'm definitely keeping that watch as a keepsake though.
Love this woman (That's her scarf I'm wearing, isn't it great?)

After getting my watch, my day started to pick up. At one point, Madame Mwangi, Madame Godana (a younger teacher), and myself all had a free class period and we were the only ones in the teachers room. Madame Godana was asking me about what type of music I like, and I listed off some American artists and then I said that I really liked Kenyan dance music. They got really excited and started dancing which was hysterical! They both had some great moves. Here's a picture of the two of them.

This post was supposed to just be about my watch, but apparently I had a lot more to talk about, whoops! Ok last story. On my way home today I came across 20 primary school kids walking home again and we had a ball! The trip home really goes a lot faster with them. I let them take turns using my bike and I walked along with the rest of them, chatting away. They were VERY impressed that I remember numbers 1-10 in swahili that they taught me last time :)

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