Monday, October 10, 2011


So one of the most useful words I've learned so far is sema, meaning say. When I'm at the nursery school and I want my little children to say a word, all I have to say is sema then the word and bam out comes the word! Ok so that's off topic, I just have two things to write about.

1) The bike ride/ kasarani clean up day/ entertainment was a blast! Here are some pictures from the event.

I saw this guy in about 5 different places he managed to find me EVERYWHERE!

My little friend Sarah

Beginning of the bike race

The City Council brought this big truck to put trash in!

Streets of Kasarani 

Once again they LOVED my sunglasses
2) On friday, one of my students whose name is Pendo, meaning love in english came up to me and told me she was writing something she wanted me to edit. I said of course I would love to help, and today she came up to me with 6 pages of writing. I sat down at my desk and began. What I read was absolutely incredible. It's called move forward, and its basically a motivational speech. I asked her if she wrote it all and she said she wrote parts of it, and other parts were things she has heard people say. It would have been better even better if she had written the whole thing, but the fact that she had taken the time to do this and was interested in something like this really impressed me. Here are some excerpts from it, I hope you enjoy them!

Challenges are there to sharpen you and make you stronger, stronger than you were before than stronger than you know you could be. Learn from past mistakes and try to rectify them... forget failure and move forward toward success. Hope for a better and a shining tomorrow, even though your today was bad. Don’t expect the road to success to be smooth. I’ve learnt that the road to success is always hectic and never smooth. Remember, expecting the world to treat you fairly, just because you are a good person is little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are with a vegetarian.

Stay focused on what you are called to do. Seek fresh ways to use the gifts and talents that God has given you. Remember that you are not responsible for the happiness of everyone around or far from you, but you are responsible for keeping yourself happy. Be kind to all around or far from you, never agree to be manipulated.

Move forward to make wise decisions. The decisions you make in life affect you and the rest of your life. Decisions determine your future success and happiness. Wise decisions give you a sense of adulthood. When making vital decisions, consultations are very necessary, let people believe the best of you. Compliment each other with wise friends, as this is the glue that holds relationships together. Better decisions are the cement to a better and more comfortable life; well packed with good morals and responsibilities. Your words and decisions set direction in your life, don’t talk of how good you were today, talk of how good you want to be tomorrow. Let today’s good work be a good basis and foundation for a better tomorrow.

Move forward to being passionate about life. Look for tangible ways to stay passionate about life, develop a habit of smiling and keep singing songs of joy, despite the hardships on your way, have a grateful attitude and recognize each day as a gift. Exercise your faith positively to be able to prepare for success and accepting God’s best for your life. Tell someone what you are planning; living long, prosperity and God’s love. Take action... move forward to live from believing and live towards excepting. Look and reach for something beyond where you are presently. Pursue new goals by keeping them right in front of you. Expect to meet each goal you set.

St. Andrews, with teachers or without teachers, with problems or without. Let us believe that God is in the crisis. What God has planned for us is unstoppable. We are going to win, if Obama made it, we will also make it. We are no different from those who more to greater heights, if only because we have a burning determination.

Once all the villagers decided to pray for rain. In the meeting only one boy came with an umbrella, that’s faith.
Once you throw a one year old child in the air, he smiles broadly because he knows the you will catch him. That’s trust.
Once we go to sleep, we don’t know about tomorrow, whether we shall wake up or not, but we still have plans for tomorrow. That’s hope.
May be live good lives full of faith, trust and hope.

The whole thing is a little over 3 full typed pages, and if you would like me to send it to you, email me at and I will be happy to send it!

Here's a picture of Love!

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