Friday, October 14, 2011

"Short rains?"

So the short rain season has just begun and I'm starting to question the "short" part of it. Wednesday, it was basically raining all day, and then it rained Thursday night and this morning it was pouring when I got up. Perfect biking conditions. BUT this time I was prepared!
I put on a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, then a rain jacket, then my back pack, then another rain jacket. On my head, I had a baseball hat, my helmet and both hoods. I later changed into Deb's orange crocs to complete the rain outfit, which were much more suitable for the weather. I started off on my bike, but the soil on the driveway is a type of soil that basically turns into a slick oil during rain, so I couldn't even get on my bike, let alone walk at a normal pace without slipping all over the place. But I made it in one piece! Just a little muddy. When I was on the motorcycle I was waving at everyone like I always do, but I was getting some really weird looks. When I got to school, one of the teachers said, "Molly you have some dirt on your face!" I looked in a mirror and my face was COVERED in dirt. No wonder I was getting all of the weird looks. My legs were also completely covered, and one of the teachers was nice enough to go heat up some water in a bucket for me to clean them off with. 
My 4th week of teaching has come to a close! Next week the topic is conflict between family members, which is going to be a challenge. Their culture is so different here, especially when it comes to family dynamics. The level of respect children need to have for their parents is much much higher, and they aren't allowed to question a single thing their parents say. If they do, most students told me they would get beaten. Anyways, I will write about how that goes some time next week.

Enjoy your weekend!

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