Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So I have no swahili words for anyone today. Except I'm supposed to learn about 30 nouns by tomorrow and I haven't learned a single one. Madam Mwangi is NOT going to be happy with me. But, "Hakuna matata, it means no worries, for the rest of your days!" Good ole Lion King.

Ok so THIS is where the whoops comes in. I have two pieces of advice for anyone who ever goes to a developing country
1) Never let a 5 year old, even if you know him, wear your watch around a slum without supervision at all times.
Even if he's this cute. (Note the watch on his wrist)
Apparently some big kid came and stole it right off his wrist. After asking everyone who was at the event if they had seen my watch, no one came forward. Alas, the watch is gone forever. At least some little kid in Kasarani is now a happy camper. But still. I do not recommend doing what I did. As they say, you learn from your mistakes.

2) Do NOT buy a $5 watch from an Indian man selling very cheap watches, sunglasses and clothing on the streets of downtown Nairobi, or any city for that matter. It may look like a super cool watch, and it may have an excellent price tag, but the chances of it working 3 hours later are pretty slim.

Even if it's a Superman watch.

When I got it, it was working wonderfully, ticking like any old working watch does. A couple hours later I realized it was 5 minutes slow. Then, if you can tell from the picture, I took a look and Superman was no longer straight up and down. After whacking my watch a couple of times I got him to be straight up and down. Then, I realized the time was wrong again, so I tried to fix it by turning the little dial and bam, the dial fell off. I finally got it back on, and then realized Superman was no longer ticking. Alas, I am once again watchless. Luckily Deb is letting me borrow hers for the time being. I really should have purchased the $15 brand new Toy Story watch in one of the real stores we went to. But once again, as they say, you learn from your mistakes.

I hope everyone is having an EXCELLENT Tuesday so far! And those of you with nice watches, I hope you are taking good care of them.

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